
Please have a look at http://jsfiddle.net/43Nh9/2/

row template is working when using declarative approach but when i initialize a div to kendo Grid it doesn't work for text box. Help me getting this work.

here is my code

<div id="grid" data-role="grid" data-editable="inline" data-bind="source: data" data-row-template="row-template"></div>

   <script id="row-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
   <tr class="k-grid-edit-row" data-uid="#= uid #">
      <input class='k-textbox' data-bind="value:Name" />


var viewModel = kendo.observable({

    data: [{
        Name: "1Chai",
        Price: 18.00
    }, {
        Name: "2Chai",
        Price: 18.00
    }, {
        Name: "3Chai",
        Price: 18.00
    }, {
        Name: "4Chai",
        Price: 18.00
    }, {
        Name: "5Chai",
        Price: 18.00
    }, ]


kendo.bind(document.body, viewModel);

var grid = $("#grid2").kendoGrid({
    dataSource: {
        data: [{
            Name: "1Chai",
            Price: 18.00
        }, {
            Name: "2Chai",
            Price: 18.00
        }, {
            Name: "3Chai",
            Price: 18.00
        }, {
            Name: "4Chai",
            Price: 18.00
        }, {
            Name: "5Chai",
            Price: 18.00
        }, ]


    rowTemplate: kendo.template($("#row-template").html())


Thanks in advance.

도움이 되었습니까?


You will need to manually bind the row models to the TR elements of the Grid. You can do this in the dataBound event handler.


dataBound: function(){
    var grid = this;
       var tr = $(this);
       kendo.bind(tr, grid.dataItem(tr));


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