
I'm trying to do an ajax batch update without enabling InCell Editing in a Kendo Grid. I want to allow the users to select a bunch of rows, and then mark them as a certain status (selected from a drop down) and then do a batch update. Is there a way I can pass the currently selected grid items in a custom toolbar action? Something like:

      .DataSource(ds => ds
    .ToolBar(toolbar => toolbar.Custom().Action("Grid_Update", "Sessions", new {sessionId = ViewBag.SessionID, cycles = **selectedGridItems**}))
도움이 되었습니까?


What you asked cannot be achieved that simply.

Instead I would like to point you that you can still use batch updates even without incell editing mode. For example the code library used here does not use InCell editing but still have the "Save changes" button and it still sends the modified records to the server the same way.

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