
In my toolbar, I have my green 'C' button to create a new Java Class. But I have no option for creating a new Scala class (on my toolbar. I can still do it manually). I went to Window > Customize Perspective, and under Java Element Creation, I see Class..., which is checked (allowing for Create Java Class icon in my toolbar), but nothing about Scala classes anywhere. I went to every tab, dropped down every menu, and nothing. When I do use the 'Create Class' icon, it creates a Java class. Is there any way of getting a 'Create Scala Class' option for my toolbar?

도움이 되었습니까?


No, this feature is not currently part of the Scala support. It should not be too hard to add, it is mainly configuration. You should open a feature request, or better contribute the change.

Personally, I never noticed these buttons in the toolbar :) I use shift+alt+n if I want a short list of 'new' wizard. This list is configurable in Window > Customize Perspective > Shortcuts.

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