Oracle 12c installation : reference data is not available for Release “12.1” on the operating system distribution "Linux4.12.14-94.41-default



We are trying to install Oracle 12c in Suse Linux 12.4. As soon as we start the installation, it fails saying

[INS-13001] Environment does not meet minimum requirements

When we checked the log, we found this,

oracle.cluster..verification.PreReqNotSupportedException: reference data is not available for Release "12.1" on the operating system distribution "Linux4.12.14-94.41-default"

We are not able to find the solution. Does this mean we cannot install 12c in our environment? Please help us to understand and fix this.

도움이 되었습니까?


This is only a matter of the metadata being incomplete in the installer.

If you have access to Oracle support, then:

Reference data is not available for release "12.1" on Linux x86-64 SLES-12 (Doc ID 2127760.1)

In the above note, there is a link for the patch for this issue.

The workaround is to ignore the prerequisites by starting the installer as:

./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs

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