
i am trying to add map in action script mobile app i have created xml for the layout, as the tags for the xml layout are predefined so i believe we cannot create custom tags, so i added that map using image tag but now the trouble is the mad components has disabled its scroll as well, no regrets that was suppose to be happen because i have created map under image, i tried to put the scrollVertical as well but that didn't work because that map was under image tag.

below is my code.

    import com.danielfreeman.madcomponents.*;
    import com.mapquest.*;
    import com.mapquest.services.geocode.*;
    import com.mapquest.tilemap.*;
    import com.mapquest.tilemap.controls.inputdevice.*;
    import com.mapquest.tilemap.controls.shadymeadow.*;
    import com.mapquest.tilemap.pois.*;

    import flash.display.Screen;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.Stage;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.media.StageWebView;
    import flash.system.Capabilities;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.utils.flash_proxy;

    import mx.events.FlexEvent;

    public class map extends Sprite

        private static var alResults:Array;
    static  var   myMap:TileMap = new TileMap("my Key");
    static  var geocoder:Geocoder;

        public static const LAYOUT:XML = <scrollVertical background="#DADED4" >

                                    <imageLoader   id="placeholder"> </imageLoader  >


        protected static var _message:UILabel;

        public static function initialize():void{

            var placeholder:UIImageLoader = UIImageLoader(UI.findViewById("placeholder"));
            myMap.addControl(new SMLargeZoomControl());
            myMap.addControl(new SMViewControl());
            myMap.addControl(new MouseWheelZoomControl());

            myMap.size = new Size(300, 400);
            myMap.addControl(new SMLargeZoomControl());
            myMap.addControl(new SMViewControl());
            myMap.addControl(new MouseWheelZoomControl());

            // create a new TileMap object, passing your platform key
            geocoder = new Geocoder(myMap);

            geocoder.addEventListener(GeocoderEvent.GEOCODE_RESPONSE, onGeocodeResponse);
            geocoder.addEventListener(GeocoderEvent.GEOCODE_ERROR_EVENT, onGeocodeError);
            geocoder.addEventListener(GeocoderEvent.HTTP_ERROR_EVENT, onHttpError);

        public function map()


        private static function onGeocodeResponse(e:GeocoderEvent):void {

            alResults = new Array();
            for each (var loc:GeocoderLocation in e.geocoderResponse.locations) {
                var o:Object = new Object();

                o.LatLng = loc.displayLatLng.lat + ", " + loc.displayLatLng.lng;
                o.GeocodeQuality = loc.geocodeQuality;
                o.GeocodeQualityCode = loc.geocodeQualityCode;


            //this.dgResults.dataProvider = this.alResults;
            //this.vgrpResults.visible = true;

        private static function doGeocode():void {    
            //remove all shapes form the map

            //use the default cursor

            //make an array to hold the addresses
            var arrAddresses:Array = new Array();

            //push the addresses onto the array

            arrAddresses.push("place b");

            //call the geocoder object's geocode method, passing the array of addresses

        private static function onGeocodeError(e:GeocoderEvent):void {
            makeErrorList("GEOCODER ERROR");

        function to handle an error in the result
        private static function onHttpError(e:GeocoderEvent):void {
            makeErrorList("HTTP ERROR");

        function to make an array list to hold an error
        private static function makeErrorList(s:String):void {
            var o:Object = new Object();
            o.LatLng = s;

            //this.dgResults.dataProvider = this.alResults;
            //this.vgrpResults.visible = true;


has any one got any idea how do i achieve my goal :S help will be really appreciated.

도움이 되었습니까?


Instead of using vertical i have used scrollXY than search for scroll see the following code

    import com.danielfreeman.extendedMadness.UIScrollXY;
    import com.danielfreeman.madcomponents.*;
    import com.mapquest.*;
    import com.mapquest.services.geocode.*;
    import com.mapquest.tilemap.*;
    import com.mapquest.tilemap.controls.inputdevice.*;
    import com.mapquest.tilemap.controls.shadymeadow.*;
    import com.mapquest.tilemap.pois.*;

    import flash.display.Screen;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.Stage;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.media.StageWebView;
    import flash.system.Capabilities;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.utils.flash_proxy;

    import mx.events.FlexEvent;

    public class map extends Sprite

        private static var alResults:Array;
    static  var   myMap:TileMap = new TileMap("My Key");
    static  var geocoder:Geocoder;

        public static const LAYOUT:XML = 
            <scrollXY tapToScale="3.0" stageColour="#666666" scrollBarColour="#FFFFFF" width="480" height="640" border="false" id="scroller">
                                    <imageLoader   id="placeholder"> </imageLoader  >

        protected static var _message:UILabel;

        public static function initialize():void{
            var scroller:UIScrollXY = UIScrollXY(UI.findViewById("scroller"));

            /*var placeholder:UIImageLoader = UIImageLoader(UI.findViewById("placeholder"));
        */  myMap.addControl(new SMLargeZoomControl());
            myMap.addControl(new SMViewControl());
            myMap.addControl(new MouseWheelZoomControl());

            myMap.size = new Size(300, 400);
            myMap.addControl(new SMLargeZoomControl());
            myMap.addControl(new SMViewControl());
            myMap.addControl(new MouseWheelZoomControl());

            // create a new TileMap object, passing your platform key
            geocoder = new Geocoder(myMap);

            geocoder.addEventListener(GeocoderEvent.GEOCODE_RESPONSE, onGeocodeResponse);
            geocoder.addEventListener(GeocoderEvent.GEOCODE_ERROR_EVENT, onGeocodeError);
            geocoder.addEventListener(GeocoderEvent.HTTP_ERROR_EVENT, onHttpError);

        public function map()


        private static function onGeocodeResponse(e:GeocoderEvent):void {

            alResults = new Array();
            for each (var loc:GeocoderLocation in e.geocoderResponse.locations) {
                var o:Object = new Object();

                o.LatLng = loc.displayLatLng.lat + ", " + loc.displayLatLng.lng;
                o.GeocodeQuality = loc.geocodeQuality;
                o.GeocodeQualityCode = loc.geocodeQualityCode;


            //this.dgResults.dataProvider = this.alResults;
            //this.vgrpResults.visible = true;

        private static function doGeocode():void {    
            //remove all shapes form the map

            //use the default cursor

            //make an array to hold the addresses
            var arrAddresses:Array = new Array();

            //push the addresses onto the array


            //call the geocoder object's geocode method, passing the array of addresses

        private static function onGeocodeError(e:GeocoderEvent):void {
            makeErrorList("GEOCODER ERROR");

        function to handle an error in the result
        private static function onHttpError(e:GeocoderEvent):void {
            makeErrorList("HTTP ERROR");

        function to make an array list to hold an error
        private static function makeErrorList(s:String):void {
            var o:Object = new Object();
            o.LatLng = s;

            //this.dgResults.dataProvider = this.alResults;
            //this.vgrpResults.visible = true;

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