
Is it possible to do something like this in Scala:

class MyTest {
   def foo[A <: String _or_ A <: Int](p:List[A]) =  {} 

That is, the type A could be a String or Int. Is this possible?

(Similar question here)

도움이 되었습니까?


Not really possible as you put it, but you can do it using the type class pattern. For example, from here:

sealed abstract class Acceptable[T]
object Acceptable {
  implicit object IntOk extends Acceptable[Int]
  implicit object LongOk extends Acceptable[Long]

def f[T: Acceptable](t: T) = t

scala> f(1)
res0: Int = 1

scala> f(1L)
res1: Long = 1

scala> f(1.0)
<console>:8: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: Acceptable[Double]


This works if class and object are companions. On REPL, if you type each on a different line (ie, a "result" appears between them), they are not companions. You can type it like below, though:

scala> sealed abstract class Acceptable[T]; object Acceptable {
     |   implicit object IntOk extends Acceptable[Int]
     |   implicit object LongOk extends Acceptable[Long]
     | }
defined class Acceptable
defined module Acceptable

다른 팁

You could get a little mileage from the Either type. However the Either hierarchy is sealed and handling more than two types becomes cumbersome.

scala> implicit def string2either(s: String) = Left(s)
string2either: (s: String)Left[String,Nothing]

scala> implicit def int2either(i: Int) = Right(i)
int2either: (i: Int)Right[Nothing,Int]

scala> type SorI = Either[String, Int]
defined type alias SorI

scala> def foo(a: SorI) {a match {
     |     case Left(v)  => println("Got a "+v)
     |     case Right(v) => println("Got a "+v)
     |   }
     | }
foo: (a: SorI)Unit

scala> def bar(a: List[SorI]) {
     |   a foreach foo
     | }
bar: (a: List[SorI])Unit


scala> foo("Hello")
Got a Hello

scala> foo(10)
Got a 10

scala> bar(List(99, "beer"))
Got a 99
Got a beer

Another solution is wrapper classes:

case class IntList(l:List[Int])
case class StringList(l:List[String])

implicit def li2il(l:List[Int]) = IntList(l)
implicit def ls2sl(l:List[String]) = StringList(l)

def foo(list:IntList) =  { println("Int-List " + list.l)}
def foo(list:StringList) =  { println("String-List " + list.l)}

There is this hack:

implicit val x: Int = 0
def foo(a: List[Int])(implicit ignore: Int) { }

implicit val y = ""
def foo(a: List[String])(implicit ignore: String) { }


See http://michid.wordpress.com/2010/06/14/working-around-type-erasure-ambiguities-scala/

And also this question.

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