
I have my first verilog assignment due in a few days and for whatever reason these concepts are escaping me. I don't think I'm thinking in terms of parallelism and hardware or something.

My question is that I have to and a few switches and buttons together using wires and turn on 3 LEDs in array of 7. I'm pretty sure I know how to do the computational logic, but I can't figure out how to use assign and wire to properly turn on all 3 LEDs without writing 3 separate lines. It feels wrong to do:

assign Led[0] = output;
assign Led[1] = output;
assign Led[2] = output;

Also, it's weird because there are 7 LEDs on the board and I'm picking on LEDs 0,2,4.

Can someone walk me through how this is supposed to work the proper way? We don't have a textbook and I've been reading the basics online, but I just can't seem to figure out how this is supposed to work. Thanks!

Edit: This is my current code, but I am getting errors that say nothing is "driven". What gives?

module Lab2_1(input [5:0] sw, input btns, output [7:0] Led );

    wire [2:0] leds; 
    wand out; 

    assign leds = {Led[0], Led[2], Led[4]};

    and U1   (out, sw[0], sw[1]);
    and U2   (out,~sw[2],~sw[3]);
    xor U3   (out,sw[4],sw[5]);
    assign   out = btns;
    assign leds[2:0] = {3{out}};



ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<3>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<4>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<5>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<6>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<7>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<0>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<1>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:368 - The signal <Led<2>_OBUF> is incomplete. The signal
   is not driven by any source pin in the design.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<3>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<4>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<5>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<6>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<7>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<0>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<1>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:PhysDesignRules:10 - The network <Led<2>_OBUF> is completely unrouted.
ERROR:Bitgen:25 - DRC detected 16 errors and 0 warnings.  Please see the
   previously displayed individual error or warning messages for more details.
도움이 되었습니까?


What you have already seems perfectly fine, though if you wanted to do it in one line you could use a concatenation and or replication operators to assign multiple bits of Led. Both these statements are equivalent to your code sample:

assign Led[2:0] = {output, output, output};


assign Led[2:0] = {3{output}};

I don't know if these are any better or more proper than what you already have, but just writing them to show some examples of what is possible to do.

=== EDIT ===

You're getting errors because you're not driving any of the bits of Led.

  1. This looks backward: assign leds = {Led[0], Led[2], Led[4]};
    Led is the output of the module, so it should be assigned to, meaning it should be on the left hand side of the equal, so I would guess this should look like assign {Led[0], Led[2], Led[4]} = leds;

  2. Your module has an 8-bit Led output, but you're only assigning 3 bits of it. You should assign the other 5 bits to either constant 1 or 0.

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