
I just made a Java n-tuple which is type-safe.
I'm using some unconventional methods to achieve type-safety (I just made it for fun).

Can someone can give some input on improving it or some possible flaws.

public class Tuple {
    private Object[] arr;
    private int size;
    private static boolean TypeLock = false;
    private static Object[] lastTuple = {1,1,1}; //default tuple type

    private Tuple(Object ... c) {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
            if(c.length == lastTuple.length)
                for(int i = 0; i<c.length; i++)
                    if(c[i].getClass() == lastTuple[i].getClass())
                        throw new RuntimeException("Type Locked");
                throw new RuntimeException("Type Locked");

        lastTuple = this.arr;

    public static void setTypeLock(boolean typeLock) {
        TypeLock = typeLock;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        if (this == obj)
            return true;

        Tuple p = (Tuple)obj;

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            if (p.arr[i].getClass() == this.arr[i].getClass())
                if (!this.arr[i].equals(p.arr[i]))
                    return false;
                return false;
        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        int res = 17;
        for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            res = res*37+arr[i].hashCode();

        return res;

    public String toString() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return Arrays.toString(arr);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        HashMap<Tuple,String> birthDay = new HashMap<Tuple,String>();
        Tuple p = new Tuple(1,2,1986);
        Tuple p2 = new Tuple(2,10,2009);
        Tuple p3 = new Tuple(1,2,2010);
        Tuple p4 = new Tuple(1,2,2010);
        birthDay.put(p4, "Jack");
        System.out.println(birthDay.get(new Tuple(1,2,1986)));
        birthDay.put(new Tuple(1,2,""),"");
Foi útil?


Kudos on learning by doing. Here are suggestions of "opportunities" for improvement:

  1. Only one kind of Tuple can ever exist (once Typelock is set). This hurts reusability and scalability in programs wanting to use multiple types of Tuples unless you resort to cut-n-paste reuse (BirthdayTuple, DimensionsTuple, StreetAddressTuple, ...). Consider a TupleFactory class that accepts the target types and creates a tuple builder object to generate tuples.

  2. The validity of "null" as a value in a Tuple isn't documented. I think before Typelock is set, null is allowed; but after Typelock is set, code will generate a NullPointerException - this is inconsistent. If they are not allowed, the constructor should catch it and disallow it (regardless of Typelock). If they are allowed, then the code overall (constructor, equals, hashcode, etc) needs modification to allow for it.

  3. Decide whether Tuples are intended to be immutable value objects. Based on its lack of setter methods, I'd guess so. If so, then be careful of "adopting" the incoming array - lastTuple=this.arr. Even though its a var arg constructor, the constructor could be called with an array directly. The class adopts the array (keeps a reference to it) and the values in the array could be altered outside the class afterward. I'd do a shallow copy of the array, but also document the potential issue with Tuples with non-immutable values (that could be changed outside the Tuple).

  4. Your equals method lacks the null check (if (obj == null) return false) and the class check (either obj instanceof Tuple or this.getClass().equals(object.getClass())). The equals idiom is well documented.

  5. There's no way to view the values of a Tuple except through toString. This protects the values and the overall immutability of , but I think it limits the usefulness of the class.

  6. While I realize its just an example, I wouldn't expect to use this class for something like birthdays/dates. In solution domains with fixed object types, real classes (like Date) are so much better. I would imagine this class to be useful in specific domains where tuples are first class objects.

Edit Been thinking about this. Here's my take on some code (on github + tests):

package com.stackoverflow.tuple;

 * Tuple are immutable objects.  Tuples should contain only immutable objects or
 * objects that won't be modified while part of a tuple.
public interface Tuple {

    public TupleType getType();
    public int size();
    public <T> T getNthValue(int i);


package com.stackoverflow.tuple;

 * Represents a type of tuple.  Used to define a type of tuple and then
 * create tuples of that type.
public interface TupleType {

    public int size();

    public Class<?> getNthType(int i);

     * Tuple are immutable objects.  Tuples should contain only immutable objects or
     * objects that won't be modified while part of a tuple.
     * @param values
     * @return Tuple with the given values
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the wrong # of arguments or incompatible tuple values are provided
    public Tuple createTuple(Object... values);

    public class DefaultFactory {
        public static TupleType create(final Class<?>... types) {
            return new TupleTypeImpl(types);


=== (not visible outside package)
package com.stackoverflow.tuple;

import java.util.Arrays;

class TupleImpl implements Tuple {

    private final TupleType type;
    private final Object[] values;

    TupleImpl(TupleType type, Object[] values) {
        this.type = type;
        if (values == null || values.length == 0) {
            this.values = new Object[0];
        } else {
            this.values = new Object[values.length];
            System.arraycopy(values, 0, this.values, 0, values.length);

    public TupleType getType() {
        return type;

    public int size() {
        return values.length;

    public <T> T getNthValue(int i) {
        return (T) values[i];

    public boolean equals(Object object) {
        if (object == null)   return false;
        if (this == object)   return true;

        if (! (object instanceof Tuple))   return false;

        final Tuple other = (Tuple) object;
        if (other.size() != size())   return false;

        final int size = size();
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            final Object thisNthValue = getNthValue(i);
            final Object otherNthValue = other.getNthValue(i);
            if ((thisNthValue == null && otherNthValue != null) ||
                    (thisNthValue != null && ! thisNthValue.equals(otherNthValue))) {
                return false;

        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 17;
        for (Object value : values) {
            if (value != null) {
                hash = hash * 37 + value.hashCode();
        return hash;

    public String toString() {
        return Arrays.toString(values);

=== (not visible outside package)
package com.stackoverflow.tuple;

class TupleTypeImpl implements TupleType {

    final Class<?>[] types;

    TupleTypeImpl(Class<?>[] types) {
        this.types = (types != null ? types : new Class<?>[0]);

    public int size() {
        return types.length;

    //public <T> Class<T> getNthType(int i)

    //RIGHT - thanks Emil
    public Class<?> getNthType(int i) {
        return types[i];

    public Tuple createTuple(Object... values) {
        if ((values == null && types.length == 0) ||
                (values != null && values.length != types.length)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Expected "+types.length+" values, not "+
                    (values == null ? "(null)" : values.length) + " values");

        if (values != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
                final Class<?> nthType = types[i];
                final Object nthValue = values[i];
                if (nthValue != null && ! nthType.isAssignableFrom(nthValue.getClass())) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Expected value #"+i+" ('"+
                            nthValue+"') of new Tuple to be "+
                            nthType+", not " +
                            (nthValue != null ? nthValue.getClass() : "(null type)"));

        return new TupleImpl(this, values);

package com.stackoverflow.tupleexample;

import com.stackoverflow.tuple.Tuple;
import com.stackoverflow.tuple.TupleType;

public class TupleExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // This code probably should be part of a suite of unit tests
        // instead of part of this a sample program

        final TupleType tripletTupleType =

        final Tuple t1 = tripletTupleType.createTuple(1, "one", 'a');
        final Tuple t2 = tripletTupleType.createTuple(2l, "two", 'b');
        final Tuple t3 = tripletTupleType.createTuple(3f, "three", 'c');
        final Tuple tnull = tripletTupleType.createTuple(null, "(null)", null);
        System.out.println("t1 = " + t1);
        System.out.println("t2 = " + t2);
        System.out.println("t3 = " + t3);
        System.out.println("tnull = " + tnull);

        final TupleType emptyTupleType =

        final Tuple tempty = emptyTupleType.createTuple();
        System.out.println("\ntempty = " + tempty);

        // Should cause an error
        System.out.println("\nCreating tuple with wrong types: ");
        try {
            final Tuple terror = tripletTupleType.createTuple(1, 2, 3);
            System.out.println("Creating this tuple should have failed: "+terror);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {

        // Should cause an error
        System.out.println("\nCreating tuple with wrong # of arguments: ");
        try {
            final Tuple terror = emptyTupleType.createTuple(1);
            System.out.println("Creating this tuple should have failed: "+terror);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {

        // Should cause an error
        System.out.println("\nGetting value as wrong type: ");
        try {
            final Tuple t9 = tripletTupleType.createTuple(9, "nine", 'i');
            final String verror = t9.getNthValue(0);
            System.out.println("Getting this value should have failed: "+verror);
        } catch (ClassCastException ex) {



Sample Run
t1 = [1, one, a]
t2 = [2, two, b]
t3 = [3.0, three, c]
tnull = [null, (null), null]

tempty = []

Creating tuple with wrong types: 
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected value #1 ('2') of new Tuple to be class java.lang.String, not class java.lang.Integer
    at com.stackoverflow.tuple.TupleTypeImpl.createTuple(
    at com.stackoverflow.tupleexample.TupleExample.main(

Creating tuple with wrong # of arguments: 
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expected 0 values, not 1 values
    at com.stackoverflow.tuple.TupleTypeImpl.createTuple(
    at com.stackoverflow.tupleexample.TupleExample.main(

Getting value as wrong type: 
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String
    at com.stackoverflow.tupleexample.TupleExample.main(

Outras dicas

How is this typesafe? You are throwing runtime exceptions instead of reporting type errors at compile time.

You are trying to abstract over arity which is (as of yet) not possible in statically typed languages, without losing typesafety.


Tuples can consist of heterogeneous elements (i.e. elements with different types). Therefore providing even "rutime typesafety" is not possible, for this Tuple class. Clients of the class are responsible for making the appropriate casts.

This is the best you can do in Java : (Edit: See Brent's post for a better implementation of Tuple. (It doesn't require typecasts on the client side.))

final class Tuple {
  private final List<Object> elements;

  public Tuple(final Object ... elements) {
    this.elements = Arrays.asList(elements);

  public String toString() {
    return elements.toString();

  // Override 'equals' and 'hashcode' here

  public Object at(final int index) {
    return elements.get(index);

This is the simplest solution and it's also the best. It's similar to how Tuples are represented in .NET. It carefully sidesteps java erasure. It is strongly typed. It does not throw exceptions. It is very easy to use.

public interface Tuple
    int size();

public class Tuple2<T1,T2> implements Tuple
    public final T1 item1;
    public final T2 item2;

    public Tuple2(
        final T1 item_1,
        final T2 item_2)
        item1 = item_1;
        item2 = item_2;

    public int size()
        return 2;

public class Tuple3<T1,T2,T3> implements Tuple
    public final T1 item1;
    public final T2 item2;
    public final T3 item3;

    public Tuple3(
        final T1 item_1,
        final T2 item_2,
        final T3 item_3)
        item1 = item_1;
        item2 = item_2;
        item3 = item_3;

    public int size()
        return 3;

You should look at .NET's Tuple's implementation. They are compile time type-safe.

What is the purpose of typeLock? To allow someone to prevent constructing any more of these objects? This part doesn't make much sense.

Why would you ever want to let someone prevent further instantiation of your objects? If for some reason this is something you ever need, instead of "locking" a class and throwing exceptions, just make sure the code path ... doesn't create more objects of the type.

What's the purpose of the static lastTuple which is set to a reference of the last instantiated Tuple? It's a poor practice to mix static references like this.

Frankly the code is quite confusing, even though the need for this class is confusing. If somehow this was code I was reviewing in a work environment, I would not allow it.

saw this code in wave project

public class Tuple<A> {

  private final A[] elements;

  public static <A> Tuple<A> of(A ... elements) {
    return new Tuple<A>(elements);

  public Tuple(A ... elements) {
    this.elements = elements;

  public A get(int index) {
    return elements[index];

  public int size() {
    return elements.length;

  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) {
      return true;

    if (o == null || o.getClass() != this.getClass()) {
      return false;

    Tuple<A> o2 = (Tuple<A>) o;
    return Arrays.equals(elements, o2.elements);

  public int hashCode() {
    return Arrays.hashCode(elements);

  public String toString() {
    return Arrays.toString(elements);

Here's a truly awful n-tuple implementation that uses generics to provide compile-time type checks. The main method (provided for demo purposes) shows just how horrendous this would be to use:

interface ITuple { }

 * Typed immutable arbitrary-length tuples implemented as a linked list.
 * @param <A> Type of the first element of the tuple
 * @param <D> Type of the rest of the tuple
public class Tuple<A, D extends ITuple> implements ITuple {

    /** Final element of a tuple, or the single no-element tuple. */
    public static final TupleVoid END = new TupleVoid();

    /** First element of tuple. */
    public final A car;
    /** Remainder of tuple. */
    public final D cdr;

    public Tuple(A car, D cdr) { = car;
        this.cdr = cdr;

    private static class TupleVoid implements ITuple { private TupleVoid() {} }

    // Demo time!
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Tuple<String, Tuple<Integer, Tuple<String, TupleVoid>>> triple =
                new Tuple<String, Tuple<Integer, Tuple<String, TupleVoid>>>("one",
                        new Tuple<Integer, Tuple<String, TupleVoid>>(2,
                                new Tuple<String, TupleVoid>("three",
        System.out.println( + "/" + + "/" +;
        //: one/2/three

If you're really interested in writing type-safe containers, look into generics:

public class Tuple<T> {
  private final T[] arr;
  public Tuple (T... contents) {
    arr = contents;  //not sure if this compiles??

  // etc

  public static final void main(String[] args) {
    Tuple<String> stringTuple = new Tuple<String>("Hello", "World!");
    Tuple<Integer> intTuple = new Tuple<Integer>(2010,9,4);

It would be better to use generics for compile time type safety. You can define one interface per arity. Then you can define separate Callable interfaces to access the values of the tuple.

interface Tuple1 <T0> { <R> R accept ( Callable1<R,T0> callable ) ; }

interface Tuple2 <T0,T1> { <R> R accept ( Callable2<R,T0,T1> callable ) ; }


interface Tuplek <T0,T1,T2,...,Tk> { <R> R accept ( Callablek<R,T0,T1,T2,...,Tk> callable ) ; }

interface Callable1<R,T0> { R call ( T0 t0 ) ; }

interface Callable2<R,T0> { R call ( T0 t0 , T1 t1 ) ; }


interface Callablek<R,T0,T1,T2,...,Tk> { R call ( T0 t0 , T1 t1 , T2 t2 , ... , Tk tk ) ; }
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