假设我们有 0.33,我们需要输出“1/3”。

其想法是使其具有人类可读性,使用户能够理解“y 中的 x 部分”,从而更好地理解数据。




我找到了大卫·爱普斯坦的 找到给定实数的有理近似值 C 代码正是您所要求的。它基于连分数理论,速度非常快且相当紧凑。


** find rational approximation to given real number
** David Eppstein / UC Irvine / 8 Aug 1993
** With corrections from Arno Formella, May 2008
** usage: a.out r d
**   r is real number to approx
**   d is the maximum denominator allowed
** based on the theory of continued fractions
** if x = a1 + 1/(a2 + 1/(a3 + 1/(a4 + ...)))
** then best approximation is found by truncating this series
** (with some adjustments in the last term).
** Note the fraction can be recovered as the first column of the matrix
**  ( a1 1 ) ( a2 1 ) ( a3 1 ) ...
**  ( 1  0 ) ( 1  0 ) ( 1  0 )
** Instead of keeping the sequence of continued fraction terms,
** we just keep the last partial product of these matrices.

#include <stdio.h>

main(ac, av)
int ac;
char ** av;
    double atof();
    int atoi();
    void exit();

    long m[2][2];
    double x, startx;
    long maxden;
    long ai;

    /* read command line arguments */
    if (ac != 3) {
        fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s r d\n",av[0]);  // AF: argument missing
    startx = x = atof(av[1]);
    maxden = atoi(av[2]);

    /* initialize matrix */
    m[0][0] = m[1][1] = 1;
    m[0][1] = m[1][0] = 0;

    /* loop finding terms until denom gets too big */
    while (m[1][0] *  ( ai = (long)x ) + m[1][1] <= maxden) {
        long t;
        t = m[0][0] * ai + m[0][1];
        m[0][1] = m[0][0];
        m[0][0] = t;
        t = m[1][0] * ai + m[1][1];
        m[1][1] = m[1][0];
        m[1][0] = t;
        if(x==(double)ai) break;     // AF: division by zero
        x = 1/(x - (double) ai);
        if(x>(double)0x7FFFFFFF) break;  // AF: representation failure

    /* now remaining x is between 0 and 1/ai */
    /* approx as either 0 or 1/m where m is max that will fit in maxden */
    /* first try zero */
    printf("%ld/%ld, error = %e\n", m[0][0], m[1][0],
           startx - ((double) m[0][0] / (double) m[1][0]));

    /* now try other possibility */
    ai = (maxden - m[1][1]) / m[1][0];
    m[0][0] = m[0][0] * ai + m[0][1];
    m[1][0] = m[1][0] * ai + m[1][1];
    printf("%ld/%ld, error = %e\n", m[0][0], m[1][0],
           startx - ((double) m[0][0] / (double) m[1][0]));


从Python 2.6开始有 fractions 模块。


>>> from fractions import Fraction
>>> Fraction('3.1415926535897932').limit_denominator(1000)
Fraction(355, 113)

>>> from math import pi, cos
>>> Fraction.from_float(cos(pi/3))
Fraction(4503599627370497, 9007199254740992)
>>> Fraction.from_float(cos(pi/3)).limit_denominator()
Fraction(1, 2)

如果输出是为了让人类读者快速了解结果的顺序,则返回“113/211”之类的内容是没有意义的,因此输出应限制为使用一位数字(可能是 1/ 10 和 9/10)。如果是这样,您可以观察到只有 27 个 不同的 分数。

由于生成输出的基础数学永远不会改变,解决方案可能是简单地对二叉搜索树进行硬编码,以便该函数最多执行 log(27) ~= 4 3/4 比较。这是经过测试的 C 版本代码

char *userTextForDouble(double d, char *rval)
    if (d == 0.0)
        return "0";

    // TODO: negative numbers:if (d < 0.0)...
    if (d >= 1.0)
        sprintf(rval, "%.0f ", floor(d));
    d = d-floor(d); // now only the fractional part is left

    if (d == 0.0)
        return rval;

    if( d < 0.47 )
        if( d < 0.25 )
            if( d < 0.16 )
                if( d < 0.12 ) // Note: fixed from .13
                    if( d < 0.11 )
                        strcat(rval, "1/10"); // .1
                        strcat(rval, "1/9"); // .1111....
                else // d >= .12
                    if( d < 0.14 )
                        strcat(rval, "1/8"); // .125
                        strcat(rval, "1/7"); // .1428...
            else // d >= .16
                if( d < 0.19 )
                    strcat(rval, "1/6"); // .1666...
                else // d > .19
                    if( d < 0.22 )
                        strcat(rval, "1/5"); // .2
                        strcat(rval, "2/9"); // .2222...
        else // d >= .25
            if( d < 0.37 ) // Note: fixed from .38
                if( d < 0.28 ) // Note: fixed from .29
                    strcat(rval, "1/4"); // .25
                else // d >=.28
                    if( d < 0.31 )
                        strcat(rval, "2/7"); // .2857...
                        strcat(rval, "1/3"); // .3333...
            else // d >= .37
                if( d < 0.42 ) // Note: fixed from .43
                    if( d < 0.40 )
                        strcat(rval, "3/8"); // .375
                        strcat(rval, "2/5"); // .4
                else // d >= .42
                    if( d < 0.44 )
                        strcat(rval, "3/7"); // .4285...
                        strcat(rval, "4/9"); // .4444...
        if( d < 0.71 )
            if( d < 0.60 )
                if( d < 0.55 ) // Note: fixed from .56
                    strcat(rval, "1/2"); // .5
                else // d >= .55
                    if( d < 0.57 )
                        strcat(rval, "5/9"); // .5555...
                        strcat(rval, "4/7"); // .5714
            else // d >= .6
                if( d < 0.62 ) // Note: Fixed from .63
                    strcat(rval, "3/5"); // .6
                else // d >= .62
                    if( d < 0.66 )
                        strcat(rval, "5/8"); // .625
                        strcat(rval, "2/3"); // .6666...
            if( d < 0.80 )
                if( d < 0.74 )
                    strcat(rval, "5/7"); // .7142...
                else // d >= .74
                    if(d < 0.77 ) // Note: fixed from .78
                        strcat(rval, "3/4"); // .75
                        strcat(rval, "7/9"); // .7777...
            else // d >= .8
                if( d < 0.85 ) // Note: fixed from .86
                    if( d < 0.83 )
                        strcat(rval, "4/5"); // .8
                        strcat(rval, "5/6"); // .8333...
                else // d >= .85
                    if( d < 0.87 ) // Note: fixed from .88
                        strcat(rval, "6/7"); // .8571
                    else // d >= .87
                        if( d < 0.88 ) // Note: fixed from .89
                            strcat(rval, "7/8"); // .875
                        else // d >= .88
                            if( d < 0.90 )
                                strcat(rval, "8/9"); // .8888...
                                strcat(rval, "9/10"); // .9

    return rval;



下面是一个示例函数,说明如何使用 VB 实际执行此操作(来自 www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.asp?ID=582):

Public Function Dec2Frac(ByVal f As Double) As String

   Dim df As Double
   Dim lUpperPart As Long
   Dim lLowerPart As Long

   lUpperPart = 1
   lLowerPart = 1

   df = lUpperPart / lLowerPart
   While (df <> f)
      If (df < f) Then
         lUpperPart = lUpperPart + 1
         lLowerPart = lLowerPart + 1
         lUpperPart = f * lLowerPart
      End If
      df = lUpperPart / lLowerPart
Dec2Frac = CStr(lUpperPart) & "/" & CStr(lLowerPart)
End Function


您可能想阅读 每个计算机科学家都应该了解的浮点运算知识.


3.141592 * 1000000 = 3141592


3 + (141592 / 1000000)

并通过 GCD 减少...

3 + (17699 / 125000)

但没有办法得到 故意的 分数出来。你可能想要 总是 在整个代码中使用分数——只要记住尽可能减少分数以避免溢出!

以下是 devinmoore 建议的 VB 代码的 Perl 和 Javascript 版本:


sub dec2frac {
    my $d = shift;

    my $df  = 1;
    my $top = 1;
    my $bot = 1;

    while ($df != $d) {
      if ($df < $d) {
        $top += 1;
      else {
         $bot += 1;
         $top = int($d * $bot);
      $df = $top / $bot;
   return "$top/$bot";

和几乎相同的 JavaScript:

function dec2frac(d) {

    var df = 1;
    var top = 1;
    var bot = 1;

    while (df != d) {
        if (df < d) {
            top += 1;
        else {
            bot += 1;
            top = parseInt(d * bot);
        df = top / bot;
    return top + '/' + bot;

C# 实现

/// <summary>
/// Represents a rational number
/// </summary>
public struct Fraction
    public int Numerator;
    public int Denominator;

    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor
    /// </summary>
    public Fraction(int numerator, int denominator)
        this.Numerator = numerator;
        this.Denominator = denominator;

    /// <summary>
    /// Approximates a fraction from the provided double
    /// </summary>
    public static Fraction Parse(double d)
        return ApproximateFraction(d);

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns this fraction expressed as a double, rounded to the specified number of decimal places.
    /// Returns double.NaN if denominator is zero
    /// </summary>
    public double ToDouble(int decimalPlaces)
        if (this.Denominator == 0)
            return double.NaN;

        return System.Math.Round(
            Numerator / (double)Denominator,

    /// <summary>
    /// Approximates the provided value to a fraction.
    /// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/95727/how-to-convert-floats-to-human-readable-fractions
    /// </summary>
    private static Fraction ApproximateFraction(double value)
        const double EPSILON = .000001d;

        int n = 1;  // numerator
        int d = 1;  // denominator
        double fraction = n / d;

        while (System.Math.Abs(fraction - value) > EPSILON)
            if (fraction < value)
                n = (int)System.Math.Round(value * d);

            fraction = n / (double)d;

        return new Fraction(n, d);

斯特恩布罗科特树 引入了一种相当自然的方法来用简单分母的分数来近似实数。

部分问题在于,如此多的分数实际上并不容易被解释为分数。例如。0.33 不是 1/3,而是 33/100。但是,如果您还记得您的小学训练,那么有一个将十进制值转换为分数的过程,但是它不太可能给您想要的东西,因为大多数时候十进制数不是存储在 0.33,而是存储在 0.329999999999998 等。


将原始值乘以 10,直到删除小数部分。保留该数字,并将其用作除数。然后通过寻找共同点进行一系列简化。

所以 0.4 就是 4/10。然后,您将寻找从低值(可能是素数)开始的公约数。从 2 开始,您可以通过检查除法下限是否与除法本身相同来查看 2 是否能整除分子和分母。

floor(5/2) = 2
5/2 = 2.5

所以 5 不能整除 2。然后你检查下一个数字,比如 3。这样做直到达到或高于较小数字的平方根。



>>> from fractions import Fraction
>>> Fraction('3.1415926535897932').limit_denominator(1000)
Fraction(355, 113)

“假设我们有 0.33,我们需要输出“1/3”。”

您期望“解决方案”的精度是多少?0.33 不等于 1/3。您如何识别“好”(易于阅读)的答案?


如果您希望找到 X/Y 形式的最接近分数,其中 Y 小于 10,那么您可以循环遍历所有 9 个可能的 Y,为每个 Y 计算 X,然后选择最准确的一个。

R 中的内置解决方案:

## [1] 2/3

这使用连分数法并且具有可选的 cyclesmax.denominator 调整精度的参数。

你必须弄清楚你愿意接受什么程度的错误。并非所有小数都会化简为简单分数。我可能会选择一个容易整除的数字,例如 60,并计算出最接近该值的 60 分之一,然后简化分数。


  1. 乘以和除以 10^x,其中 x 是确保数字不留小数位所需的 10 次幂。例子:将 0.33 乘以 10^2 = 100 得到 33,再除以 10^2 = 100 得到 33/100
  2. 通过因式分解减少所得分数的分子和分母,直到不能再从结果中获得整数为止。
  3. 由此产生的约简分数应该就是您的答案。

例子:0.2 = 0.2 x 10^1/10^1 = 2/10 = 1/5


一种解决方案是首先将所有数字存储为有理数。有用于有理数算术的库(例如 良好生产规范)。如果使用面向对象语言,您也许可以只使用有理数类库来替换您的数字类。



a = rational(1);
b = rational(3);
c = a / b;

print (c.asFraction)  --->  "1/3"
print (c.asFloat) ----> "0.333333"

我认为最好的方法是首先将浮点值转换为 ASCII 表示形式。在 C++ 中,您可以使用 ostringstream,或者在 C 中,您可以使用 sprintf。在 C++ 中它是这样的:

ostringstream oss;
float num;
cin >> num;
oss << num;
string numStr = oss.str();
int i = numStr.length(), pow_ten = 0;
while (i > 0) {
    if (numStr[i] == '.')
for (int j = 1; j < pow_ten; j++) {
    num *= 10.0;
cout << static_cast<int>(num) << "/" << pow(10, pow_ten - 1) << endl;

在直 C 中可以采取类似的方法。

之后,您需要检查分数是否为最低项。该算法将给出精确的答案,即0.33将输出“ 33/100”,而不是“ 1/3”。但是,0.4将给出“ 4/10”,而当降低到最低时,将是“ 2/5”。这可能不如Eppstein的解决方案强大,但我相信这更简单。

Ruby 已经有一个内置的解决方案:

0.33.rationalize.to_s # => "33/100"
0.4.rationalize.to_s # => "2/5"

在 Rails 中,ActiveRecord 数值属性也可以转换:

product.size = 0.33
product.size.to_r.to_s # => "33/100"

用 C++ 回答,假设您有一个“BigInt”类,它可以存储无限大小的整数。

您可以使用“unsigned long long”代替,但它仅适用于某些值。

void GetRational(double val)
    if (val == val+1) // Inf
        throw "Infinite Value";
    if (val != val) // NaN
        throw "Undefined Value";

    bool sign = false;
    BigInt enumerator = 0;
    BigInt denominator = 1;

    if (val < 0)
        val = -val;
        sign = true;

    while (val > 0)
        unsigned int intVal = (unsigned int)val;
        val -= intVal;
        enumerator += intVal;
        val *= 2;
        enumerator *= 2;
        denominator *= 2;

    BigInt gcd = GCD(enumerator,denominator);
    enumerator /= gcd;
    denominator /= gcd;

    Print(sign? "-":"+");

    // Or simply return {sign,enumerator,denominator} as you wish

顺便说一句,GetRational(0.0) 将返回“+0/1”,因此您可能想单独处理这种情况。


该算法由 伊恩·理查兹 / 约翰·肯尼迪 不仅返回漂亮的分数,而且在速度方面也表现得非常好。这是 C# 代码,取自 这个答案 由我。

它可以处理所有 double 除了 NaN 和 +/- 无穷大等特殊值之外的值,如果需要,您必须添加这些值。

它返回一个 new Fraction(numerator, denominator). 。替换为您自己的类型。

有关更多示例值以及与其他算法的比较, 到这里

public Fraction RealToFraction(double value, double accuracy)
    if (accuracy <= 0.0 || accuracy >= 1.0)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("accuracy", "Must be > 0 and < 1.");

    int sign = Math.Sign(value);

    if (sign == -1)
        value = Math.Abs(value);

    // Accuracy is the maximum relative error; convert to absolute maxError
    double maxError = sign == 0 ? accuracy : value * accuracy;

    int n = (int) Math.Floor(value);
    value -= n;

    if (value < maxError)
        return new Fraction(sign * n, 1);

    if (1 - maxError < value)
        return new Fraction(sign * (n + 1), 1);

    double z = value;
    int previousDenominator = 0;
    int denominator = 1;
    int numerator;

        z = 1.0 / (z - (int) z);
        int temp = denominator;
        denominator = denominator * (int) z + previousDenominator;
        previousDenominator = temp;
        numerator = Convert.ToInt32(value * denominator);
    while (Math.Abs(value - (double) numerator / denominator) > maxError && z != (int) z);

    return new Fraction((n * denominator + numerator) * sign, denominator);


Accuracy: 1.0E-3      | Richards                     
Input                 | Result           Error       
======================| =============================
   3                  |       3/1          0         
   0.999999           |       1/1         1.0E-6     
   1.000001           |       1/1        -1.0E-6     
   0.50 (1/2)         |       1/2          0         
   0.33... (1/3)      |       1/3          0         
   0.67... (2/3)      |       2/3          0         
   0.25 (1/4)         |       1/4          0         
   0.11... (1/9)      |       1/9          0         
   0.09... (1/11)     |       1/11         0         
   0.62... (307/499)  |       8/13        2.5E-4     
   0.14... (33/229)   |      16/111       2.7E-4     
   0.05... (33/683)   |      10/207      -1.5E-4     
   0.18... (100/541)  |      17/92       -3.3E-4     
   0.06... (33/541)   |       5/82       -3.7E-4     
   0.1                |       1/10         0         
   0.2                |       1/5          0         
   0.3                |       3/10         0         
   0.4                |       2/5          0         
   0.5                |       1/2          0         
   0.6                |       3/5          0         
   0.7                |       7/10         0         
   0.8                |       4/5          0         
   0.9                |       9/10         0         
   0.01               |       1/100        0         
   0.001              |       1/1000       0         
   0.0001             |       1/10000      0         
   0.33333333333      |       1/3         1.0E-11    
   0.333              |     333/1000       0         
   0.7777             |       7/9         1.0E-4     
   0.11               |      10/91       -1.0E-3     
   0.1111             |       1/9         1.0E-4     
   3.14               |      22/7         9.1E-4     
   3.14... (pi)       |      22/7         4.0E-4     
   2.72... (e)        |      87/32        1.7E-4     
   0.7454545454545    |      38/51       -4.8E-4     
   0.01024801004      |       2/195       8.2E-4     
   0.99011            |     100/101      -1.1E-5     
   0.26... (5/19)     |       5/19         0         
   0.61... (37/61)    |      17/28        9.7E-4     
Accuracy: 1.0E-4      | Richards                     
Input                 | Result           Error       
======================| =============================
   0.62... (307/499)  |     299/486      -6.7E-6     
   0.05... (33/683)   |      23/476       6.4E-5     
   0.06... (33/541)   |      33/541        0         
   1E-05              |       1/99999     1.0E-5     
   0.7777             |    1109/1426     -1.8E-7     
   3.14... (pi)       |     333/106      -2.6E-5     
   2.72... (e)        |     193/71        1.0E-5     
   0.61... (37/61)    |      37/61         0         


1) 浮点不是精确的表示,这意味着如果“x/y”的分数导致值“z”,则分数算法可能会返回“x/y”以外的结果。




public static function toFrac(f:Number) : String
        if (f>1)
            var parte1:int;
            var parte2:Number;
            var resultado:String;
            var loc:int = String(f).indexOf(".");
            parte2 = Number(String(f).slice(loc, String(f).length));
            parte1 = int(String(f).slice(0,loc));
            resultado = toFrac(parte2);
            parte1 *= int(resultado.slice(resultado.indexOf("/") + 1, resultado.length)) + int(resultado.slice(0, resultado.indexOf("/")));
            resultado = String(parte1) +  resultado.slice(resultado.indexOf("/"), resultado.length)
            return resultado;
        if( f < 0.47 )
            if( f < 0.25 )
                if( f < 0.16 )
                    if( f < 0.13 )
                        if( f < 0.11 )
                            return "1/10";
                            return "1/9";
                        if( f < 0.14 )
                            return "1/8";
                            return "1/7";
                    if( f < 0.19 )
                        return "1/6";
                        if( f < 0.22 )
                            return "1/5";
                            return "2/9";
                if( f < 0.38 )
                    if( f < 0.29 )
                        return "1/4";
                        if( f < 0.31 )
                            return "2/7";
                            return "1/3";
                    if( f < 0.43 )
                        if( f < 0.40 )
                            return "3/8";
                            return "2/5";
                        if( f < 0.44 )
                            return "3/7";
                            return "4/9";
            if( f < 0.71 )
                if( f < 0.60 )
                    if( f < 0.56 )
                        return "1/2";
                        if( f < 0.57 )
                            return "5/9";
                            return "4/7";
                    if( f < 0.63 )
                        return "3/5";
                        if( f < 0.66 )
                            return "5/8";
                            return "2/3";
                if( f < 0.80 )
                    if( f < 0.74 )
                        return "5/7";
                        if(f < 0.78 )
                            return "3/4";
                            return "7/9";
                    if( f < 0.86 )
                        if( f < 0.83 )
                            return "4/5";
                            return "5/6";
                        if( f < 0.88 )
                            return "6/7";
                            if( f < 0.89 )
                                return "7/8";
                                if( f < 0.90 )
                                    return "8/9";
                                    return "9/10";

假设我们有 0.33,我们需要输出“1/3”。如果我们有“ 0.4”,则需要输出“ 2/5”。

通常情况下,这是错误的,因为1/3 = 0.3333333 = 0。(3)此外,从上面建议的解决方案中找出十进制是用定义的精度转换为分数的,因为输出始终是分数。

但是,我建议我的综合功能有很多基于以下想法的选项 无限几何级数, ,特别是公式:

enter image description here


有理数代码借自 斯蒂芬·M。麦卡米 C# 中的有理数实现。我希望将我的代码移植到其他语言上并不困难。

/// <summary>
/// Convert decimal to fraction
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">decimal value to convert</param>
/// <param name="result">result fraction if conversation is succsess</param>
/// <param name="decimalPlaces">precision of considereation frac part of value</param>
/// <param name="trimZeroes">trim zeroes on the right part of the value or not</param>
/// <param name="minPeriodRepeat">minimum period repeating</param>
/// <param name="digitsForReal">precision for determination value to real if period has not been founded</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool FromDecimal(decimal value, out Rational<T> result, 
    int decimalPlaces = 28, bool trimZeroes = false, decimal minPeriodRepeat = 2, int digitsForReal = 9)
    var valueStr = value.ToString("0.0000000000000000000000000000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    var strs = valueStr.Split('.');

    long intPart = long.Parse(strs[0]);
    string fracPartTrimEnd = strs[1].TrimEnd(new char[] { '0' });
    string fracPart;

    if (trimZeroes)
        fracPart = fracPartTrimEnd;
        decimalPlaces = Math.Min(decimalPlaces, fracPart.Length);
        fracPart = strs[1];

    result = new Rational<T>();
        string periodPart;
        bool periodFound = false;

        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < fracPart.Length; i++)
            if (fracPart[i] == '0' && i != 0)

            for (int j = i + 1; j < fracPart.Length; j++)
                periodPart = fracPart.Substring(i, j - i);
                periodFound = true;
                decimal periodRepeat = 1;
                decimal periodStep = 1.0m / periodPart.Length;
                var upperBound = Math.Min(fracPart.Length, decimalPlaces);
                int k;
                for (k = i + periodPart.Length; k < upperBound; k += 1)
                    if (periodPart[(k - i) % periodPart.Length] != fracPart[k])
                        periodFound = false;
                    periodRepeat += periodStep;

                if (!periodFound && upperBound - k <= periodPart.Length && periodPart[(upperBound - i) % periodPart.Length] > '5')
                    var ind = (k - i) % periodPart.Length;
                    var regroupedPeriod = (periodPart.Substring(ind) + periodPart.Remove(ind)).Substring(0, upperBound - k);
                    ulong periodTailPlusOne = ulong.Parse(regroupedPeriod) + 1;
                    ulong fracTail = ulong.Parse(fracPart.Substring(k, regroupedPeriod.Length));
                    if (periodTailPlusOne == fracTail)
                        periodFound = true;

                if (periodFound && periodRepeat >= minPeriodRepeat)
                    result = FromDecimal(strs[0], fracPart.Substring(0, i), periodPart);
                    periodFound = false;

            if (periodFound)

        if (!periodFound)
            if (fracPartTrimEnd.Length >= digitsForReal)
                return false;
                result = new Rational<T>(long.Parse(strs[0]), 1, false);
                if (fracPartTrimEnd.Length != 0)
                    result = new Rational<T>(ulong.Parse(fracPartTrimEnd), TenInPower(fracPartTrimEnd.Length));
                return true;

        return true;
        return false;

public static Rational<T> FromDecimal(string intPart, string fracPart, string periodPart)
    Rational<T> firstFracPart;
    if (fracPart != null && fracPart.Length != 0)
        ulong denominator = TenInPower(fracPart.Length);
        firstFracPart = new Rational<T>(ulong.Parse(fracPart), denominator);
        firstFracPart = new Rational<T>(0, 1, false);

    Rational<T> secondFracPart;
    if (periodPart != null && periodPart.Length != 0)
        secondFracPart =
            new Rational<T>(ulong.Parse(periodPart), TenInPower(fracPart.Length)) *
            new Rational<T>(1, Nines((ulong)periodPart.Length), false);
        secondFracPart = new Rational<T>(0, 1, false);

    var result = firstFracPart + secondFracPart;
    if (intPart != null && intPart.Length != 0)
        long intPartLong = long.Parse(intPart);
        result = new Rational<T>(intPartLong, 1, false) + (intPartLong == 0 ? 1 : Math.Sign(intPartLong)) * result;

    return result;

private static ulong TenInPower(int power)
    ulong result = 1;
    for (int l = 0; l < power; l++)
        result *= 10;
    return result;

private static decimal TenInNegPower(int power)
    decimal result = 1;
    for (int l = 0; l > power; l--)
        result /= 10.0m;
    return result;

private static ulong Nines(ulong power)
    ulong result = 9;
    if (power >= 0)
        for (ulong l = 0; l < power - 1; l++)
            result = result * 10 + 9;
    return result;


Rational<long>.FromDecimal(0.33333333m, out r, 8, false);
// then r == 1 / 3;

Rational<long>.FromDecimal(0.33333333m, out r, 9, false);
// then r == 33333333 / 100000000;


Rational<long>.FromDecimal(0.33m, out r, 28, true);
// then r == 1 / 3;

Rational<long>.FromDecimal(0.33m, out r, 28, true);
// then r == 33 / 100;


Rational<long>.FromDecimal(0.123412m, out r, 28, true, 1.5m));
// then r == 1234 / 9999;
Rational<long>.FromDecimal(0.123412m, out r, 28, true, 1.6m));
// then r == 123412 / 1000000; because of minimu repeating of period is 0.1234123 in this case.


Rational<long>.FromDecimal(0.8888888888888888888888888889m, out r));
// then r == 8 == 9;


Rational<long>.FromDecimal(0.12345678m, out r, 28, true, 2, 9);
// then r == 12345678 / 100000000;

Rational<long>.FromDecimal(0.12345678m, out r, 28, true, 2, 8);
// Conversation failed, because of period has not been founded and there are too many digits in fraction part of input value.

Rational<long>.FromDecimal(0.12121212121212121m, out r, 28, true, 2, 9));
// then r == 4 / 33; Despite of too many digits in input value, period has been founded. Thus it's possible to convert value to fraction.

每个人都可以找到其他测试和代码 我在 github 上的 MathFunctions 库.

这是一个快速而肮脏的 JavaScript 实现,它使用了暴力方法。根本没有优化,它在预定义的分数范围内工作: http://jsfiddle.net/PdL23/1/

/* This should convert any decimals to a simplified fraction within the range specified by the two for loops. Haven't done any thorough testing, but it seems to work fine.

I have set the bounds for numerator and denominator to 20, 20... but you can increase this if you want in the two for loops.

Disclaimer: Its not at all optimized. (Feel free to create an improved version.)

decimalToSimplifiedFraction = function(n) {

    for(num = 1; num < 20; num++) {  // "num" is the potential numerator
        for(den = 1; den < 20; den++) {  // "den" is the potential denominator
            var multiplyByInverse = (n * den ) / num;

            var roundingError = Math.round(multiplyByInverse) - multiplyByInverse;

            // Checking if we have found the inverse of the number, 
            if((Math.round(multiplyByInverse) == 1) && (Math.abs(roundingError) < 0.01)) {
                return num + "/" + den;

//Put in your test number here.
var floatNumber = 2.56;

alert(floatNumber + " = " + decimalToSimplifiedFraction(floatNumber));

这是受到 JPS 使用的方法的启发。

正如许多人所说,您确实无法将浮点数转换回分数(除非它非常精确,例如 0.25)。当然,您可以为大量分数创建某种类型的查找,并使用某种模糊逻辑来生成您正在寻找的结果。同样,这并不准确,您需要定义您希望分母的大小的下限。

.32 < x < .34 = 1/3 或类似的值。

这是 ruby​​ 的实现 http://github.com/valodzka/frac

Math.frac(0.2, 100)  # => (1/5)
Math.frac(0.33, 10)  # => (1/3)
Math.frac(0.33, 100) # => (33/100)

我遇到了一个特别优雅的 Haskell 解决方案,它利用了变形。这取决于 递归方案 包裹。

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}

import           Control.Applicative   (liftA2)
import           Control.Monad         (ap)
import           Data.Functor.Foldable
import           Data.Ratio            (Ratio, (%))

isInteger :: (RealFrac a) => a -> Bool
isInteger = ((==) <*>) (realToFrac . floor)

continuedFraction :: (RealFrac a) => a -> [Int]
continuedFraction = liftA2 (:) floor (ana coalgebra)
    where coalgebra x
              | isInteger x = Nil
              | otherwise = Cons (floor alpha) alpha
                  where alpha = 1 / (x - realToFrac (floor x))

collapseFraction :: (Integral a) => [Int] -> Ratio a
collapseFraction [x]    = fromIntegral x % 1
collapseFraction (x:xs) = (fromIntegral x % 1) + 1 / collapseFraction xs

-- | Use the nth convergent to approximate x
approximate :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> Int -> Ratio b
approximate x n = collapseFraction $ take n (continuedFraction x)

如果你在 ghci 中尝试一下,它确实有效!

λ:> approximate pi 2
22 % 7
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