
How do you change date format in date box? there are lots of different examples, none seem to work for me. Here is working JSFiddle of popup but I need date format like 11/07/2013.

Tried: "dateFormat":"%m/%d/%Y" and "overrideDateFormat":"%m/%d/%Y"

<div data-role="page" id="page1">
<div data-role="header">
     <h1>My page</h1> 
    <a  data-role="button" id="myplus" class="ui-btn-right" >+</a>
    <input name="mydate" id="mydate" type="date" data-role="datebox" data-options='{"mode": "calbox", "hideInput": "true", "centerHoriz": "true", "closeCallback":"onCLoseMyDate();"}' />

<div data-role="content">


Working Fiddle not correct format

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Found at, under "Public Functions"

$('element').datebox('callFormat', <format> <date>)

As applied to your [updated] fiddle:

var dateObject = $('#mydate').datebox('getTheDate'),
    theDate =  $('#mydate').datebox('callFormat', '%m/%d/%Y', dateObject);
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