
Could you please recommend the best way to visualize data with four variables in any of the available R packages.

Namely, I have two categorical variables(populations(12) and characters(50)) and two continuous variables (mean and coefficient of variation of each character length measurement for 100 individuals (rows in a matrix)). So it is basically a 12x50x100x100 dimensional graph.

Any suggestions?

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I would plot the variables first one by one, then together, starting with the whole population and progressively slicing the data into the various groups.

# Sample data
n1 <- 6   # Was: 12
n2 <- 5   # Was: 50
n3 <- 10  # Was: 100
d1 <- data.frame(
  population = rep(LETTERS[1:n1], each=n2*n3),
  character = rep(1:n2, each=n3, times=12),
  id = 1:(n1*n2*n3),
  mean = rnorm(n1*n2*n3),
  var  = rchisq(n1*n2*n3, df=5)
# Not used, but often useful with ggplot2
d2 <- melt(d1, id.vars=c("population","character","id"))

# Look at the first variable
densityplot( ~ mean, data=d1 )
densityplot( ~ mean, groups=population, data=d1 )
densityplot( ~ mean | population, groups=character, data=d1 )

# Look at the second variable
densityplot( ~ var, data=d1 )
densityplot( ~ var, groups=population, data=d1 )
densityplot( ~ var | population, groups=character, data=d1 )

# Look at both variables
xyplot( mean ~ var, data=d1 )
xyplot( mean ~ var, groups=population, data=d1 )
xyplot( mean ~ var | population, groups=character, data=d1 )

# The plots may be more readable with lines rather than points
  mean ~ var | population, groups = character, 
  data = d1, 
  panel = panel.superpose, panel.groups = panel.loess


Consider lattice if you want to plot a series of "slices" along one dimension or another of your data. Why not pop on over to and see if someone's written some code to create the kind of graph you want?

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