
private var doorIsOpen : boolean = false;
private var doorTimer : float = 0.0;
private var currentDoor : GameObject;

var doorOpenTime : float = 3.0;
var doorOpenSound : AudioClip;
var doorShutSound : AudioClip;

function OpenDoor (door : GameObject)
    doorIsOpen = true;;

function OnControllerColliderHit (hit : ControllerColliderHit)

    if(hit.gameObject.tag == "playerDoor" && doorIsOpen == false)

this is supposed to play a sound when my character collides with a door but it doesn't i can't understand why

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Take it through simple steps; verify first with a bit of debug that your code is reaching OnControllerColliderHit, then reaching OpenDoor(hit.gameObject); Also confirm that it can play door.transform.parent.animation.Play("doorOpen"); (and make a sound in normal code rather than conditional)

From the code snippet it may be that your "playerDoor" definition is incorrect elsewhere


Go to Project then Book Assets Folder then sounds folder then drag Door_open sound to these variables:

var doorOpenSound : AudioClip; var doorShutSound : AudioClip;

Your sound will play.

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