
Trying to include a source-file into my latex document using the listings package, i got problems with german umlauts inside of the comments in the code. Using


Umlauts in the source files (encoded in UTF-8 without BOM) are processed, but they are somehow moved to the beginning of the word they are contained in. So

// die Größe muss berücksichtigt werden

in the input source file, becomes

// die ößGre muss übercksichtigt werden

in the output file.

NOTE: since i found errors in my initial setup, i heavily edited this question

Was it helpful?

Solution 5

ok, found kinda workaround now:

  1. instead of listings package, use listingsutf8


  2. copy listings.sty to the folder the document resides

  3. find the following lines

        \lst@ProcessOther {"23}\#
        \lst@ProcessOther {"25}\%
        \lst@ProcessOther {"26}\&
  4. Enter there the following lines (each "registers" one umlaut)

  5. Save the file

  6. Use


to enable utf8 character to latin1 character mapping

  1. Convert line endings of your source file from windows (\r\n) to unix (\n)
  2. enjoy

I know this is ugly in many way, but its the only solution that works for me so far.


I found a simpler approach, which works for me:



For comments only, you can use the texcl option:


Than your comments become Latex and you can use "special" characters

int iLink = 0x01; // Paramètre entrée

So geht es (should work for other languages - spanish, danish as well)


a4paper, %% defines the paper size: a4paper (default), a5paper, letterpaper, ...
12pt %% set default font size to 12 point
]{scrartcl} %% article, see KOMA documentation (scrguide.dvi)





[Latex: kann man Umlaute in lstlisting verwenden?]
Test für Umlaut äöü ÄÖÜ ß So geht es


My contribution for Czech language.


My contribution for brazilian portuguese.


Works for most iso-characters. (including swedish åäöÅÄÖ which is what I needed)

  {á}{{\'a}}1 {é}{{\'e}}1 {í}{{\'i}}1 {ó}{{\'o}}1 {ú}{{\'u}}1
  {Á}{{\'A}}1 {É}{{\'E}}1 {Í}{{\'I}}1 {Ó}{{\'O}}1 {Ú}{{\'U}}1
  {à}{{\`a}}1 {è}{{\`e}}1 {ì}{{\`i}}1 {ò}{{\`o}}1 {ù}{{\`u}}1
  {À}{{\`A}}1 {È}{{\'E}}1 {Ì}{{\`I}}1 {Ò}{{\`O}}1 {Ù}{{\`U}}1
  {ä}{{\"a}}1 {ë}{{\"e}}1 {ï}{{\"i}}1 {ö}{{\"o}}1 {ü}{{\"u}}1
  {Ä}{{\"A}}1 {Ë}{{\"E}}1 {Ï}{{\"I}}1 {Ö}{{\"O}}1 {Ü}{{\"U}}1
  {â}{{\^a}}1 {ê}{{\^e}}1 {î}{{\^i}}1 {ô}{{\^o}}1 {û}{{\^u}}1
  {Â}{{\^A}}1 {Ê}{{\^E}}1 {Î}{{\^I}}1 {Ô}{{\^O}}1 {Û}{{\^U}}1
  {œ}{{\oe}}1 {Œ}{{\OE}}1 {æ}{{\ae}}1 {Æ}{{\AE}}1 {ß}{{\ss}}1
  {ç}{{\c c}}1 {Ç}{{\c C}}1 {ø}{{\o}}1 {å}{{\r a}}1 {Å}{{\r A}}1
  {€}{{\EUR}}1 {£}{{\pounds}}1


Simpler approach for french.


    # Est-ce que ça marche : é ê è à Â Ê É Î ç Ç

Works fine for me!

My 2 cents for the French side:

\lst@ProcessOther {"C0}{\`{A}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"C1}{\'{A}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"C2}{\^{A}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"C4}{\"{A}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"C7}{\c{C}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"C8}{\`{E}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"C9}{\'{E}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"CA}{\^{E}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"CB}{\"{E}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"CE}{\^{I}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"CF}{\"{I}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"D4}{\^{O}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"D6}{\"{O}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"D9}{\`{U}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"DB}{\^{U}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"E0}{\`{a}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"E1}{\'{a}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"E2}{\^{a}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"E4}{\"{a}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"E7}{\c{c}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"E8}{\`{e}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"E9}{\'{e}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"EA}{\^{e}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"EB}{\"{e}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"EE}{\^{\i}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"EF}{\"{\i}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"F4}{\^{o}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"F6}{\"{o}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"F9}{\`{u}}
\lst@ProcessOther {"FB}{\^{u}}

The Swedish version:


I can confirm that solution provided by Janosch works almost correctly.

In my case I needed to use Spanish characters: á,é,í,ó,ú,ñ,Á,É,Í,Ó,Ú and tried his solution without results until I compiled my file with xelatex instead of pdflatex.

Anyway you should modify listings.sty either in your local copy or directly in the common file and add the following:

    \lst@ProcessOther {"23}\#
    \lst@ProcessOther {"25}\%
    \lst@ProcessOther {"26}\&
        %spanish letters coded in UTF
    \lst@ProcessOther {"E1}{\'a}
    \lst@ProcessOther {"C1}{\'A}
    \lst@ProcessOther {"E9}{\'e}
    \lst@ProcessOther {"C9}{\'E}
    \lst@ProcessOther {"ED}{\'i}
    \lst@ProcessOther {"CD}{\'I}
    \lst@ProcessOther {"F3}{\'o}
    \lst@ProcessOther {"D3}{\'O}
    \lst@ProcessOther {"FA}{\'u}
    \lst@ProcessOther {"DA}{\'U}
    \lst@ProcessOther {"F1}{ñ}
    \lst@ProcessOther {"D1}{Ñ}

In my .tex file I used the following options for listings:


Hope it can help anybody and maybe we can construct a listing.sty containing almost every UTF8 char... :)

Similarly to posts before (yaxz and others) I defined macros for Croatian:

% on top

% add listings package

% set font translations

I still have "little" problem with adding keyword "inače". Following won't work for "inače":

\lstset{morekeywords={ponavljaj, ako, inače, dok}}

Keyword "inače" (that appear in code) is not recognized as keyword. Any ideas?

Hope this will help someone (besides me :)).

My contribution for Lithuanian language:


For Polish:


And here's list of symbols so you can create it for your language:

Author of package suggests using texcl option. Sometimes it helps, sometimes doesn't.

The cleanest solution for this is to use the listings2 package:

Simply use \usepackage{listings2} instead of \usepackage{listings} and that's it.

Norwegian letters for listings.sty in @Janosch's solution:


For Vietnamese:



We all know how LaTeX doesn’t play nice with Greek. Nevertheless, here’s my contribution, which requires several workarounds, and doesn’t include diacritics (but works!):


% Notice that here it is spelled ‘omikron’, not ‘omicron’,
% and that I use ‘\textmugreek’ instead of ‘\textmu’,
% which are both part of the textgreek package, but the
% ‘normal’ \textmu conflicts with the textcomp package as
% that uses another font for \textmu.

    {α}{{\textalpha}}1   {Α}{{\textAlpha}}1
    {β}{{\textbeta}}1    {Β}{{\textBeta}}1
    {γ}{{\textgamma}}1   {Γ}{{\textGamma}}1
    {δ}{{\textdelta}}1   {Δ}{{\textDelta}}1
    {ε}{{\textepsilon}}1 {Ε}{{\textEpsilon}}1
    {ζ}{{\textzeta}}1    {Ζ}{{\textZeta}}1
    {η}{{\texteta}}1     {Η}{{\textEta}}1
    {θ}{{\texttheta}}1   {Θ}{{\textTheta}}1
    {ι}{{\textiota}}1    {Ι}{{\textIota}}1
    {κ}{{\textkappa}}1   {Κ}{{\textKappa}}1
    {λ}{{\textlambda}}1  {Λ}{{\textLambda}}1
    {μ}{{\textmugreek}}1 {Μ}{{\textMu}}1
    {ν}{{\textnu}}1      {Ν}{{\textNu}}1
    {ξ}{{\textxi}}1      {Ξ}{{\textXi}}1
    {ο}{{\textomikron}}1 {Ο}{{\textOmikron}}1
    {π}{{\textpi}}1      {Π}{{\textPi}}1
    {ρ}{{\textrho}}1     {Ρ}{{\textRho}}1
    {σ}{{\textsigma}}1   {Σ}{{\textSigma}}1   {ς}{{\textvarsigma}}1
    {τ}{{\texttau}}1     {Τ}{{\textTau}}1
    {υ}{{\textupsilon}}1 {Υ}{{\textUpsilon}}1
    {φ}{{\textphi}}1     {Φ}{{\textPhi}}1
    {χ}{{\textchi}}1     {Χ}{{\textChi}}1
    {ψ}{{\textpsi}}1     {Ψ}{{\textPsi}}1
    {ω}{{\textomega}}1   {Ω}{{\textOmega}}1

For Icelandic:


Simply don't use UTF-8 in LaTex if you want to use any listings packages. Using latin1 in your documents will display German Umlauts just fine.

I'm writing my thesis in German using this setup:

% Your language, here German
% Will work with Umlauts
% Euro characters etc.
% Works perfectly with latin1

You might need to set the document's input encoding to also be UTF-8. There's a comp.text.tex thread discussing how to do this. The following accomplishes this in TeXLive on GNU/Linux:

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