
I have a data set that ranges from 1 to 30,000

I want to normalize it, so that it becomes 0.1 to 10

What is the best method/function to do that?

Would greatly appreciate it if you could give some sample code!

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Here's a code snippet, assuming you want a linear normalization. It's a very simplistic version (just straight code, no methods), so you can see "how it works" and can apply it to anything.

xmin = 1.0
xmax = 30000.0
ymin = 0.1
ymax = 10.0

xrange = xmax-xmin
yrange = ymax-ymin

y = ymin + (x-xmin) * (yrange / xrange) 

And here it is done as a function:

def normalise(x, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
  xrange = xmax - xmin
  yrange = ymax - ymin
  ymin + (x - xmin) * (yrange.to_f / xrange) 

puts normalise(2000, 1, 30000, 0.1, 10) 

(Note: the to_f ensures we don't fall into the black hole of integer division)


Here's the Ruby Way for the common case of setting an array's min to 0.0 and max to 1.0.

class Array
  def normalize!
    xMin,xMax = self.minmax
    dx = (xMax-xMin).to_f! {|x| (x-xMin) / dx }

a = [3.0, 6.0, 3.1416]
=> [0.0, 1.0, 0.047199999999999985]

For a min and max other than 0 and 1, add arguments to normalize! in the manner of Elfstrom's answer.

This is a well known way to scale a collection numbers. It has more precise name but I can't remember and fail to google it.

def scale(numbers, min, max)
    current_min = numbers.min
    current_max = numbers.max {|n| min + (n - current_min) * (max - min) / (current_max - current_min)}

dataset = [1,30000,15000,200,3000]
result = scale(dataset, 0.1, 10.0)
=> [0.1, 10.0, 5.04983499449982, 0.165672189072969, 1.08970299009967]
scale(result, 1, 30000)
=> [1.0, 30000.000000000004, 15000.0, 199.99999999999997, 3000.0000000000005] 

As you can see, you have to be aware of rounding issues. You should probably also make sure that you don't get integers as min & max because integer division will damage the result.

x = x / 3030.3031 + 0.1

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