
I am hosting SpiderMonkey in a current project and would like to have template functions generate some of the simple property get/set methods, eg:

template <typename TClassImpl, int32 TClassImpl::*mem>
JSBool JS_DLL_CALLBACK WriteProp(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsval id, jsval* vp)
    if (TClassImpl* pImpl = (TClassImpl*)::JS_GetInstancePrivate(cx, obj, &TClassImpl::s_JsClass, NULL))
        return ::JS_ValueToInt32(cx, *vp, &(pImpl->*mem));
    return JS_FALSE;


::JSPropertySpec Vec2::s_JsProps[] = {
    {"x", 1, JSPROP_PERMANENT, &JsWrap::ReadProp<Vec2, &Vec2::x>, &JsWrap::WriteProp<Vec2, &Vec2::x>},
    {"y", 2, JSPROP_PERMANENT, &JsWrap::ReadProp<Vec2, &Vec2::y>, &JsWrap::WriteProp<Vec2, &Vec2::y>},

This works fine, however, if I add another member type:

template <typename TClassImpl, JSObject* TClassImpl::*mem>
JSBool JS_DLL_CALLBACK WriteProp(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsval id, jsval* vp)
    if (TClassImpl* pImpl = (TClassImpl*)::JS_GetInstancePrivate(cx, obj, &TClassImpl::s_JsClass, NULL))
        return ::JS_ValueToObject(cx, *vp, &(pImpl->*mem));
    return JS_FALSE;

Then Visual C++ 9 attempts to use the JSObject* wrapper for int32 members!

1>d:\projects\testing\jswnd\src\main.cpp(93) : error C2440: 'specialization' : cannot convert from 'int32 JsGlobal::Vec2::* ' to 'JSObject *JsGlobal::Vec2::* const '
1>        Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast
1>d:\projects\testing\jswnd\src\main.cpp(93) : error C2973: 'JsWrap::ReadProp' : invalid template argument 'int32 JsGlobal::Vec2::* '
1>        d:\projects\testing\jswnd\src\wrap_js.h(64) : see declaration of 'JsWrap::ReadProp'
1>d:\projects\testing\jswnd\src\main.cpp(93) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'overloaded-function' to 'JSPropertyOp'
1>        None of the functions with this name in scope match the target type

Surprisingly, parening JSObject* incurs a parse error! (unexpected '('). This is probably a VC++ error (can anyone test that "template void foo() {}" compiles in GCC?). Same error with "typedef JSObject* PObject; ..., PObject TClassImpl::mem>", void, struct Undefined*, and double. Since the function usage is fully instantiated: "&ReadProp", there should be no normal function overload semantics coming into play, it is a defined function at that point and gets priority over template functions. It seems the template ordering is failing here.

Vec2 is just:

class Vec2
    int32 x, y;

    Vec2(JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, uintN argc, jsval* argv);

    static ::JSClass s_JsClass;
    static ::JSPropertySpec s_JsProps[];

JSPropertySpec is described in JSAPI link in OP, taken from header:

typedef JSBool
(* JS_DLL_CALLBACK JSPropertyOp)(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id,
                                 jsval *vp);


struct JSPropertySpec {
    const char      *name;
    int8            tinyid;
    uint8           flags;
    JSPropertyOp    getter;
    JSPropertyOp    setter;
Was it helpful?


Pretty sure VC++ has "issues" here. Comeau and g++ 4.2 are both happy with the following program:

struct X
    int i;
    void* p;

template<int X::*P>
void foo(X* t)
    t->*P = 0;

template<void* X::*P>
void foo(X* t)
    t->*P = 0;

int main()
    X x;

VC++ 2008SP1, however, is having none of it.

I haven't the time to read through my standard to find out exactly what's what... but I think VC++ is in the wrong here.


Try changing the JSObject * to another pointer type to see if that reproduces the error. Is JSObject defined at the point of use? Also, maybe JSObject* needs to be in parens.

I am certainly no template guru, but does this boil down to a subtle case of trying to differentiate overloads based purely on the return type?

Since C++ doesn't allow overloading of functions based on return type, perhaps the same thing applies to template parameters.

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