
Question #1:
I'm new to PhysicsJS, and i tried to create a rope with idea of "Basket of verlet constraints"
something like this: JSFiddle
as you see, this rope is not acting natural! (friction, rope wight, stability time & ...) and by increasing the length of rope, it got worse!
first i think, by increasing the mass of ropes particles, it will slow down faster but ...

var basket = [];
var fpos = window.innerWidth / 2;
var epos = window.innerHeight / 2;
for ( var i = fpos; i < fpos + epos; i += 5 ){

    l = basket.push(
        Physics.body('circle', {
            x: i
            ,y: 50 - (i-fpos)
            ,radius: 1
            ,restitution: 0
            ,mass: 1000
            ,conf: 1
            ,hidden: true

    rigidConstraints.distanceConstraint( basket[ l - 1 ], basket[ l - 2 ], 2 );

Question #2:
after fixing that, how can i crate this:
(attaching a rectangular box at the end of rope)

enter image description here

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You can add a box and attach it to the end of the rope:

var box = Physics.body('rectangle', {
    x: i
    ,y: 50 - (i-fpos)
    ,width: 60
    ,height: 60
    ,styles: { fillStyle: '#fff' }

rigidConstraints.distanceConstraint( basket[ l - 1 ], box, 2 );


Which results in something like this: But unfortunately at this time there isn't yet a way to handle adding constraints to the edge of the box as you've drawn.

It's an outstanding issue:

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