
                    SvnUpdateArgs asdf = new SvnUpdateArgs();
                    asdf.AllowObstructions = false;
                    asdf.Depth = SvnDepth.Infinity;
                    asdf.IgnoreExternals = false;
                    asdf.UpdateParents = true;
                    asdf.Revision = SvnRevision.Head;
                    asdf.Conflict += new EventHandler<SvnConflictEventArgs>(asdf_Conflict);

                    asdf.Notify += new EventHandler<SvnNotifyEventArgs>(asdf_Notify);
                    asdf.Progress += new EventHandler<SvnProgressEventArgs>(asdf_Progress);

                    SvnUpdateResult res;

                    client.Status(dir, new EventHandler<SvnStatusEventArgs>(Status_Hook));

                    if (client.Update(dir, asdf, out res))

    static void asdf_Conflict(object sender, SvnConflictEventArgs e)
        e.Choice = SvnAccept.TheirsFull;

so i see Updated written, but existing files aren't updated. if some files missing - they will be downloaded. but existing files doesn't updated.

i m going mad with that stuff, please help me, my hero!

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You have to set the MergedFile property. If not, SharpSVN won't be merging the file as you described.

static void asdf_Conflict(object sender, SvnConflictEventArgs e)
    e.Choice = SvnAccept.TheirsFull;
    e.MergedFile = e.TheirFile;
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