
I am curious if anyone has done a comparison between the different options out there. So far I am leaning towards using Moo.fx because loading prototype.js just to use scriptaculous seems a bit much. Does that make sense? Are there any other effects libraries worth trying? Thanks.

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I've found a viable alternative to the recommended JS libraries -- a GWT-native Java library called GWT-FX developed by Adam Tacy. Some of its features include built-in effects (Fade, Slide, Highlight), physics transition types (linear, ease in/out, elastic), and the ability to build your own effects by specifying CSS rules or "properties" (declarations).

Check out the google code wiki and/or demo pages for more info.


"Smart GWT" has interesting effects, especially to mimic desktop items. I pass the ShowCase: Smart GWT Showcase

I use gwt-query, which is a jquery clone for gwt.

if you already know jquery its a natural selection. if not, the learning curve for some simple effects is pretty fast (lots of examples on the project's site).

I participated in testing of library VisualFox-FX which I use now instead of gwt-fx previously utilized in my project. VisualFox-FX supports both javascript and CSS3 based animation and has lots of pre-built effects. It also allows to combine many effects to build the "complex" one you need.

moo.fx or Rico should do the job...

I would recommend jquery. It's small, accessible from Google as an ajax library API, and its speedy.

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