
I'm new to Plone (4.1) and following Martin Aspeli's Professional Plone 4 development book. While following the book to create a custom theme, named optilux.theme (chapter 8), I encounter the following errors:

The first error is from zopeskel when creating the theme distribution using

../bin/zopeskel plone optilux.theme   

I can, however, customise the files zopeskel generated as stated in the book (, configure.zcml, metadata.xml).

The second error is from running buildout with the freshly added theme, using as KGS.

My question is twofold:

  1. are the 2 errors related? ie. does the zopeskel error imply buildout will not find the optilux.theme?
  2. how can I make buildout find optilux.theme and deploy succesfully?

Version Overview: Plone 4109
CMF 2.2.4
Zope 2.13.8
Python 2.6.7 (r267:88850, Aug 11 2011, 12:16:10) [GCC 4.6.1]
PIL 1.1.7

Thanks in advance!

No correct solution

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