
I'm new to Plone (4.1) and following Martin Aspeli's Professional Plone 4 development book. While following the book to create a custom theme, named optilux.theme (chapter 8), I encounter the following errors: http://pastie.org/3201791

The first error is from zopeskel when creating the theme distribution using

../bin/zopeskel plone optilux.theme   

I can, however, customise the files zopeskel generated as stated in the book (setup.py, configure.zcml, metadata.xml).

The second error is from running buildout with the freshly added theme, using http://good-py.appspot.com/release/plone.app.theming/1.0b9 as KGS.

My question is twofold:

  1. are the 2 errors related? ie. does the zopeskel error imply buildout will not find the optilux.theme?
  2. how can I make buildout find optilux.theme and deploy succesfully?

Version Overview: Plone 4109
CMF 2.2.4
Zope 2.13.8
Python 2.6.7 (r267:88850, Aug 11 2011, 12:16:10) [GCC 4.6.1]
PIL 1.1.7

Thanks in advance!

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