
In a Clojure program, I have a sequence of numbers:

(2 3 4 6 8 1)

I want to find the longest sub-sequence where the items are sequential:

(2 3 4)

I am assuming that it will involve (take-while ...) or (reduce ...).

Any ideas?

Clarification: I need the longest initial list of sequential items. Much easier, I'm sure. Thanks for the solutions to the more difficult problem I initially posed.

Foi útil?


If you are only interested in the longest initial sequence, it's a 1-liner:

(defn longest-initial-sequence [[x :as s]]
  (take-while identity (map #(#{%1} %2) s (iterate inc x))))

Outras dicas

Taking into account the OP's comment on the question -- which completely changes the game! -- this can be written very simply:

(let [doubletons (partition 2 1 [1 2 3 5 6])
      increment? (fn increment? [[x y]]
                   (== (inc x) y))]
  (cons (ffirst doubletons)
        (map second (take-while increment? doubletons))))

;; returns (1 2 3)

Note that this is actually lazy. I expect it not to hold onto the head of doubletons thanks to locals clearing. Another version:

(cons (first [1 2 3 5 6])
      (map second (take-while increment? (partition 2 1 [1 2 3 5 6]))))

The original version of the question is more fun, though! :-) A super-simple solution to that could be built using the above, but of course that would be significantly less performant than using reduce. I'll see if I have anything substantially different from zmila's and dnolen's solutions -- and yet still reasonably performant -- to add to that part of this thread later. (Not very likely, I guess.)

Answer to original:

(defn conj-if-sequential
  ([] [])
  ([a] a)
  ([a b] (let [a (if (vector? a) a [a])]
           (if (= (inc (last a)) b)
             (conj a b)

(reduce conj-if-sequential [2 3 4 6 8 1])

A more generic solution for those interested:

(defn sequential-seqs
  ([] [])
  ([a] a)
  ([a b] (let [n (last (last a))]
           (if (and n (= (inc n) b))
             (update-in a [(dec (count a))] conj b)
             (conj a [b])))))

(defn largest
  ([] nil)
  ([a] a)
  ([a b] (if (> (count b) (count a)) b a)))

(reduce largest (reduce sequential-seqs [] [2 3 4 6 8 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 13]))

I think this is much better.

(defn find-max-seq [lst]
  (let [[f & r] lst, 
        longest-seq (fn [a b] (if (> (count a) (count b)) a b)),
        [last-seq max-seq] (reduce 
                             (fn [ [[prev-num & _ :as cur-seq] max-seq] cur-num ]
                               (if (== (inc prev-num) cur-num) 
                                 [(conj cur-seq cur-num) max-seq]
                                 [(list cur-num) (longest-seq cur-seq max-seq)]
                             [(list f) ()]
    (reverse (longest-seq last-seq max-seq))))

(find-max-seq '(2 3 4 6 8 1))  ; ==> (2 3 4) 
(find-max-seq '(3 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 11)) ; ==> (8 9 10 11)
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